Discover the Puffins Galore! Trail

Explore the Puffins Galore! Trail and spot all forty-two colourful puffin sculptures along the way.

Are you ready for a one-of-a-kind adventure? Explore the Puffins Galore! Trail and spot all forty-two colourful puffin sculptures along the way. This unique journey will take you through the Southern towns and villages of Route YC, where you'll get to admire the vibrant local art scattered around the area. Whether you're looking for a fun outing with friends or want to take a peaceful stroll, the Puffins Galore! trail is sure to offer something for everyone. Keep reading to find out more about this fantastic experience.

Why Puffins?

Puffins are an iconic symbol of the Yorkshire Coast, so it is no surprise that they have been chosen as the focus of this special public art display. Bempton Cliffs near Bridlington is home to one of the largest puffin colonies in the UK and many other seabirds and marine animals. Renowned as one of the world's best-loved seabirds – they are also seriously threatened by human activities and the effects of climate change.

The puffins have all been decorated by artists to reflect three core themes: endangered wildlife of the coasts and seas, the global warming crisis and the growth of green energy, and people and stories of the East Yorkshire coast. This artistic approach gives each Puffin a unique look and shares the motivation of the artist involved.

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Where can I see them?

The Puffins Galore! trail starts at Bempton Cliffs, a stunning seabird reserve home to more than 250,000 nesting seabirds each year. From here, you can spot the first 14 sculptures in and around Flamborough and Bridlington.

The trail then takes you along the Yorkshire coast, along to Hornsea and Withernsea, before ending at Spurn Point, with some also located in the city of Hull, so wherever you're visiting in East Yorkshire, keep your eyes peeled for the brightly coloured puffin sculptures. And remember to take lots of pictures along the way!

The Spotters Guide

For those looking to get the most out of the Puffins Galore! trail, downloading the spotter's guide is a must. This guide provides the locations of all 42 colourful puffin sculptures, so you can ensure you find each one. There are also helpful tips on how to best find each sculpture and information on local attractions and points of interest along the way.

You can also download the Puffins Spotter app, which includes an interactive map showing all of the sculpture locations and additional fun facts about each one.

Whether you see them all or just a few, we hope you enjoy Puffins Galore!

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Catch Them While You Can

The trail began in July 2022 and will run until 16th April 2023, so make sure you can visit and explore in time. Once the trail has ended, each Puffin will be auctioned. The proceeds will be donated to the important charities of Hornsea Inshore Rescue, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, and the Royal National Lifeboat Institution will each benefit to continue their good work.

So, don't wait - head down to the Puffins Galore! Trail and discover these beautiful birds for yourself. Catch them while you can and help support significant wildlife conservation efforts in the process!

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